Tag Archives: art

Paleo: Day 4

Today I woke up to the happy thought, “Eggs and berries for breakfast! Yay!!!!”  So I cooked omelets with green and red bell peppers, served with berries! Soooo good!

We were out of our favorite tea so we made a trip to the tea store.  Before heading out, we each had a bit of chicken to tide us over until lunch.  We got our tea and I ended up getting a sketchbook and some paint while we were out.  I got a compliment on my Gypsies shirt today… specifically because of the fabulous mustachio printed on it.

When we got home, lunch was super easy and all I had to do was heat up the crockpot roast from last night.  It tasted even better today!

Then it was tea time! After tea I boiled eggs (served with almonds) for snack later and then ventured outside… it had cooled off so much that I almost needed a sweater! What was the temp? 83.  After it’s been 100+ nonstop for most of the summer, 83 is amazing.

I cooked beef stir fry for dinner and was surprised at how great it tasted… Tinkerbelle must have liked it too, she kept barking at me wanting more beefy bites…

Day 4: success.

Y’all have a Happy Labor Day tomorrow!

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