Tag Archives: The Gypsies

Paleo: Day 4

Today I woke up to the happy thought, “Eggs and berries for breakfast! Yay!!!!”  So I cooked omelets with green and red bell peppers, served with berries! Soooo good!

We were out of our favorite tea so we made a trip to the tea store.  Before heading out, we each had a bit of chicken to tide us over until lunch.  We got our tea and I ended up getting a sketchbook and some paint while we were out.  I got a compliment on my Gypsies shirt today… specifically because of the fabulous mustachio printed on it.

When we got home, lunch was super easy and all I had to do was heat up the crockpot roast from last night.  It tasted even better today!

Then it was tea time! After tea I boiled eggs (served with almonds) for snack later and then ventured outside… it had cooled off so much that I almost needed a sweater! What was the temp? 83.  After it’s been 100+ nonstop for most of the summer, 83 is amazing.

I cooked beef stir fry for dinner and was surprised at how great it tasted… Tinkerbelle must have liked it too, she kept barking at me wanting more beefy bites…

Day 4: success.

Y’all have a Happy Labor Day tomorrow!

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Grocery Shopping Trip 1

Last night, Mom and I pulled a Code 2319 by cleaning out the cabinets, fridge, freezer, and pantry.  At first it felt odd, weird, and even wrong, but once it was boxed up it felt awesome, like this is definitely what I should be doing.  Now that the cabinets are clear, it’s time to go shopping.

Armed with my Week 1 shopping list (from www.RobbWolf.com), The Paleo Solution book, and wearing my Gypsies shirt for moral support (well, actually it’s one of my favorite shirts now and it seemed to fit the occasion), we embark on the awesome adventure of hunting and gathering our meal ingredients.  Ok, in all actuality, “hunting and gathering”  in this case involves chucking stuff into the grocery basket… but that doesn’t sound nearly as impressive.  Anyway, here we go.

After going to the first store (shopping stop 1), I was pleased that we were able to get a great portion of our veggies and fruits for the week… for under $30!  To illustrate that healthy foods can be affordable (if you make them important to you) here’s a couple of pics of what we got:

Crazy right?!

Then it was home to put the newly gathered foods into their new home and then on to our fitness class.

I love the ladies in the class Mom and I go to, they are so fun and it’s nice to see familiar faces.  We got to chatting with one of the ladies and it turns out that her daughter has gone Paleo! So encouraging and exciting to find out!

After the class (where I found out that I’m in better shape than I thought!), shopping trip 2 was in order, this time meat and a few more produce items were locked stocked and loaded.  Once these were put up, it was time for our 3rd and final shopping trip of the day, this time looking for things like spices, eggs, nuts, tomato sauce… all of which were hunted and gathered successfully.

I learned to compare prices, see which stores are better for certain things and wrote down some of the comparisons.  It’s so nice to know that I can do this.  Thanks Mom for helping me learn which stores are better for what, prices, etc.

Paleo starts tomorrow!

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