Tag Archives: fall

Paleo: Day 15

The weather cooled off a LOT today… I was tempted to grab a sweater this morning, but then thought better of it as it was probably 75 degrees outside… so nice!!!! 😀

I cooked some lamb patties and apples with cinnamon and cloves this morning, which complemented the cooler Fall weather with fantastic Fall flavors. So good! I love the apples especially.

We reheated some Chicken Alfredo that was leftover (planned ahead) for lunch, super easy… yum!

Mom and I went to Zumba class, met a bunch of really friendly people and had a lot of fun.  I had fun going to Zumba before (LOVE it), but it’s been a LOT more fun with Mom coming too… workout buddies really do make a difference!

I cooked a meaty spaghetti sauce served over roasted green beans for dinner… tasty!

Today starts Week 3 of going Paleo… what a delicious journey so far!

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Paleo: Day 7

I made a chicken-apple hash for breakfast.  Tooti said it tasted like Fall and it totally did!

For lunch, we had lamb patties with lettuce, tomato, and an icy strawberry puree. (We were out of fresh strawberries, so we took some frozen ones, chunked them in the blender, added about ¼ cup of water and blended it up into a tasty treat.)

Dinner was amazing.  Roasted asparagus and Alaskan (Go AK!) cod, with berries and balsamic vinegar for dessert… AMAZING!

The weather today was incredible.  Totally soaking up the cool front… maybe it will rain soon.

Paleo Week 1: Success!!!!!!

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