Tag Archives: scrumdiddlyumtious

Paleo: Day 27

I made Acorn Squash Hash with Tukey Bacon for breakfast… it took a while for the squash to cook (I had never cooked an acorn squash before…also, they’re kind of impossible to peel…) but it was well worth it! It tasted amazing and the flavor was definitely one that suits the season.

For lunch, I baked some butternut squash (which I had never done before) it was fantastic!  I’m thinking that I could make a really good pumpkiny-flavored pie out of a butternut squash at a later date. I also cooked up some tasty beef that was absolutely delicious.  I mixed up a dressing (recipe from The Paleo Solution) that was absolutely fabulous.  It might be my new favorite dressing.

For dinner… I made… Paleo PIZZA!!!!!! (which we ate while watching The Biggest Loser… it’s okay though because it’s actually good for us. For real!)  😀 It was sooooo fantastic! We pre-baked the crust for about 9 minutes before adding on the toppings and that seemed to work out really well.  Oh. My. Goodness. I realized that I didn’t even miss the cheese factor, when I told Mom and Tooti this, they said they didn’t miss it either.  It was amazing, Tooti said it’s the “best pizza crust ever”… and I have to agree, scrumdiddlyumtious!

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Paleo: Day 11

I was really curious about how breakfast world turn out… because this morning, I cooked Ginger Eggs.  Sounds odd, tastes amazing!  Way happy with how they turned out, could definitely taste an Asian influence.  Delicious.

Got some sister-time with Tooti this morning, super fun and she helped me plan a surprise for Mom… more on that later.

I boiled some beets (best song for cooking beets? Beat It. Also, try busting out some of those dance moves the next time you go grocery shopping.) for a beet-apple salad to go with the cod for lunch… A few days ago, I didn’t know what a beet looked like (other than the canned kind).  I sure had never cooked one before!  The salad was definitely tasty and while beets don’t make my “LOVE it” list, it was a fun experience and different type of treat.  The fish was delish.  Side Note: Beets WILL stain you hands.  A lot.

I cooked some chicken and cauliflower in the crockpot for dinner and it was time to start the surprise… I saw this recipe on FastPaleo.com for Paleo Brownies this morning and after some thought (and sneaking help from Tooti), I decided that it would make a nice surprise for Mom this evening.  I’m so proud of her for doing so well (and being open to) going Paleo that I wanted to do something nice to surprise her.

So, when we were out, we picked up some 85% Lindt Dark Chocolate… and after insisting that Mom take a break and have some tea in the living room… I made the brownies.


When I took the brownies out of the oven and surprised Mom with them, she was happily shocked! She had no idea that I was making brownies!  Best brownies ever.  I mean EVER. Of any kind.  They were DELICIOUS. We paired them with coconut whipped cream too… best ever.

So good! Mom was surprised, it was amazing.

Thanks to FastPaleo.com and Nutty Kitchen for the scrumdiddlyumtious recipes!!

P.S. I submitted a slogan on Threadless that you can vote on here.  Please vote it up, especially if college taught you to appreciate a good nap. 🙂 Thanks!

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